Story: Well, i am a bit late to upload this clip, but better late than never. so my haraam kaafirs, are you ready to spend the special night doing some real unholy haraam things to please shaytana? because whom are you fooling? why on earth would you pretend to offer special duaas to bismillah and recite from the book, when you have no belief in your faith anymore. there is no need of spending the night in a boring fashion, doing things to show off what a good religious man you are, when in reality you are nothing but a fasiq. why to seek forgiveness from bismillah when you really dont give a damn about him? so instead get a nice stock of gay porn, if thats a bit too much, then start off with tranny porn and jerk off to all that porn, may be edge, and you can get the book and roll few pages up in your ass and fuck yourself. if you are feeling extra horny this extra long night, then go ahead and visit a brothel and fuck a whore, or even better, get a man to fuck you. you know, its iblis calling you tonight!